A single app for all medical needs
Get the care provider of your choice, to the location of your choice. Get past the uncertainty and waiting in long queues to meet a doctor.
Access to medical professionals made simplest to cater to your emergency health needs. Press the emergency button and get in touch with providers.
Have you ever felt handicapped and dissatisfied, having to listen to a doctor…Not anymore, we help you find doctors at your time to get second opinions
Stay updated with everything related to health from the most respected medical journals, health forums. Say no to misinformation and misguidance.
Access to other care providers made easy through chat and case discussions. Never feel left out and stay in constant touch with your professional community.
Get medicines prescribed to you delivered at your doorstep after comparing the quotes sent to you by different pharmacies around you.
One stop shop for all your medical needs
Doctors, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapists, veterinary doctors, lab technicians will help you with basic health needs at your convenience and the comfort
For emergency cases, you have the option to use the EMERGENCY feature in the app, which will prioritize you, and the care providers will be able to respond immediately
Personalized healthcare at your door step. No more waiting in long queues or having to book appointments or running around hospitals
Life doesn't wait, so its good to know that you can meet a nearby doctor or careprovider when you really need them on demand without scheduling an appointment. Get the immediate service you deserve.
Thanks to Mobile Internet, you can connect to a careprovider anytime, anywhere – whether it’s the middle of the night or if you are in middle of a road trip. Sign up for FlashCare and request a doctor or care provider.
In the current revolution of the mobile ecosystem, the on-demand services are reshaping multiple sectors/verticals rapidly. The healthcare sector in India is currently undergoing a technological transformation. FlashCare App is aimed at fast-tracking this and to fill in the gaps in the current system.